Date: 26th January 2021
20.7mm T1.9 CF 7.5″ / 27mm T1.9 CF 13″/ 37mm T1.9 CF 18″/ 47mm T1.9 CF 17.5″ / 57mm T1.9 CF 19″/ 77mm T1.9 CF 26″ / 107mm T1.9 CF 2′3″ / 137mm T2.0 CF 3’4″
T-tuned BLACKWING7 lenses have a profile which further softens the roll-off to the edge of the frame, and provides increased edge detail halation. T lenses are designed to capture a slightly softer, artistic image, with a higher degree of light reactivity and flaring characteristics are harder and more prominent than with the S-tuned version.
Posted in: Full Frame Lenses, Lenses